
Thursday, 9 April 2015

Successful e-mail marketing by experts

This is my first article on this blog, and at the same time I would like to welcome my readers. I will begin by demonstrating everyday examples of clever and effective e-mail marketing and of course Amazon could not be absent from it.

Let's take as a first example Amazon's very first e-mail when someone subscribes to their Amazon Prime service. This e-mail is not very personalised, as Amazon still does not know much about me. They offer a very brief overview of their services, in this case the unlimited one-day delivery and the kindler owners' lending library. The call to action – those bold, orange words above their products and services overview is clear.

 The next example illustrates perfectly how Amazon takes advantage of the users' browsing activity on their website in order to send perfectly targeted e-mails, triggered by recent website activity:

Here, I was looking for Arabic textbooks and related learning material on Amazon's website a few days before I received the e-mail. Again, the bold orange buttons act as immediate call to action. It comes at just the right time in the buying cycle since I’ve expressed clear interest but haven’t made a purchase yet.

Finally, the feedback e-mail comes after the purchase, in my case after subscribing to Amazon Video service. Every time a customer purchases something, Amazon asks for reviews and feedback. That creates a interactive community where customers and potential customers share their thoughts.
The approach is very direct, by simply clicking on the word that represents your opinion rating is automatically done.

Further examples could be included, such as the confirmation e-mail send right after a purchase is done or the dispatch notification e-mail. Nonetheless the point is that behind this e-mail marketing strategy lies the fact that Amazon has thorough understanding of the decision making process and its customer's behaviour.